Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Apparently one is supposed to keep up with a blog...

My bad.

Redemption is a funny word. It is one of my favorites, too. It can be interpreted in a religious context, but I don't see it that way. I look at redemption as regaining something from past choices and errors. In who's eyes am I trying to redeem myself? For a while, I wasn't sure and it's a pretty simple answer: My eyes. What went wrong that I felt the need to redeem myself? A combination of a couple mistakes, realizing how big the world is, and a lack of my own identity.

That last part may seem odd to most of my home friends. I've had a pretty distinct identity and personality, but I just haven't felt like the Danno I used to be. I've been looking for a way to get that back. It's not going to happen because I don't want to get that guy back. Just a few pieces. It took a recent passing of musical friend to help me realize which pieces I want back.

Leadership. That needs some redemption.

I'm working in a couple of teams on multiple projects. They are taking direction from me, but it's not of a leader. This changes now. For those of you who might be going through the same problem, perfecting your leadership skills starts with making choices. Definitive choices. Stick with them until they break or fail. And if they do fail, hope it happens fast then get on to the next choice. Hard choices get easier each time you make them.

Tonight I choose to build a strategy for one of my projects.

I've got this feeling that this post will warrant a call from my mum. She worries. Thanks for caring, mum. I'm good and I love you.

I would also like to thank my wife to be, Lizzy, for just being herself. She's amazing.

Looking to kickstart some redemption? Get inspired by these five songs.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hump day!

We've made it past that halfway mark. Here's five songs that will help you out with the rest of your hump day.

I made this a collaborative playlist so if you want, add to it!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Callin' Out Collaboration

Currently I'm working on various projects. This includes more music, a short animation, a game, and the fall semester starts tomorrow so there will be some class related projects piled on too.

But that's not enough for me!

There are some old and new friends that I would love to collaborate with musically and visually. I will be calling them out on the facebook with this post. Let's talk soon.

Time to finish up some chores and zone out with a mix.

And don't forget to check out Songs for Eye Candy

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New Music: Homecoming Parade

Homecoming Parade:

I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you have fun listening to it. And don't forget about Songs for Eye Candy

Moving on... sorta...

How do we know when to move on from a project? For a long time I didn't know. On multiple occasions I have let perfection become procrastination or I was just procrastinating and dressing it up like masterful work. Mum tells me it's genetic.

Monday, September 1, 2014

New Day, Blog, Music, Site, and a Smile on My Face.

Good Morning!

Today I'm taking the first scary step into being more vocal about my passion. That is writing music. Over the past few months, I've been treating making music as a second full-time job and I have finally gotten comfortable enough to step out of my shell and promote myself.

I'm Danno, and I wrote this music: